
Saturday, 30 March 2013


I was casually browsing Google Maps the other day (is that weird?) looking at all the countries as you do, and then I thought to myself
'Alison... you know all these countries! You're practically a world explorer'
So, in a moment of haste (and sheer boredom) I got up this quiz. Basically all you have to do is name as many countries in the world that you can think of.
p.s who knew the world had 196 countries!! That's quite a lot.
On my first attempt I got 67, which I thought was pretty good. The game however didn't, apparently the average number of countries people get is 117.
On my second attempt I got 97 countries! Remarkably good I think, my target was 100 by the end of Easter, so hopefully i'll make it.
Give the quiz a go, it's actually quite fun!

This leads me on to talking about my dream holiday.

I'm not particularly a fan of beach holidays, don't get me wrong, I do like the sun; just lying on a beach for a week solid isn't my definition of bliss.

First my dream holiday is going to start of in Rome.
There we are going to look at all the historical elements of the ancient Roman world. I love history, and this genuinely fascinates me. Although my last experience in rome wasn't blissful, it was too hot, I was sweating, a pigeon pooped on my head, they charged €6 for a 1 scoop ice-cream. Nasty. However this time it will be different.

Getting a Good View of the City of Rome

Next we will travel down to Pompeii and the surrounding ancient villages that have all been preserved from 2000 years ago. Wow!
I tried to make my mum watch a documentary on Pompeii a while back, but she turned it off because it wasn't very cheery... some people just don't have respect for our ancestors *hair flip*

About to have a look round Pompeii!

After a good snoop around Pompeii, next stop is Athens, why Athens? Truth is, it's because it's in the middle of the previous and the next destination which is...

Good View from the Bridge!!!
This is one which actually really interests me.
Istanbul used to be called Constantinople - head to the Western Empire of Rome as made by Emperor Constantine (272-337 AD). Waowwww. It was here during the Great Persecution the Christian church stood on a hill, opposite the Palace, significant because it shows the Christians place in society at that time.
The whole city is drowned in history, it's been the capital of 3 Empires, the last being the Ottoman Empire (ending in 1922).
The buildings look beautiful, app the food is quite nice. I am going to return from this trip a new woman full of culture.

Time to get travelling again, next stop is Israel, where we will visit both Jerusalem and Bethlehem. (hopefully we will avoid getting killed while here, always a plus.)
These places are often talked about, but rarely visited. Jerusalem is a key place for 3 main world religions, and watching Teresa the Travellers vlogs about this beautiful city has made me want to visit it. Watch her videos here.

Next we will pop over the border to Jordan and take a swim in the dead sea


From here, we will head to Alexandria and Cairo in Egypt. Classic sight seeing stops such as the Pyramids and Sphinxes and Catacombs and Palaces, again Teresa has some brilliant videos on these countries and I recommend watching them.
Again these are places I've learnt about while studying my Church History course, so maybe their a bit more interesting to me for different reasons.
I also intend to take this opportunity to go for a camel ride, cause I can.

That ends our Tour of The Great cities surrounding the Med.
We will then fly home, (via Dubai, got to take in some tacky places after all that culture)

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