
Friday, 31 May 2013

Choose Happiness

Choosing Happiness is one of the best thing that a person can do, and it's not always easy.
My dad has depression, it's a fact, but I can't understand it. I know there's more to it for him than just trying to be happy, because he can't. He chooses to be miserable and this angers me.

There is so much to life, so much to enjoy and so much to love.
We live in a beautiful world, with trees that grow and sustain life, beautiful flowers, all the stars in the sky. The world never ever ceases to amaze me. There's people that care about us, if we let them, who rally round and support us when things go bad.

And when they do go bad, which is frequently theres two options.
1) We can choose to be angry and upset and mad.
2) We can think about the good that can come out of things and think happiness.

I try to go for option 2.
If you think of the good things that could come out of this bad situation it will let get you through it rather than milling in negativity. Not everything is always going to go your way, after all if nothing bad happens how would we ever know what was good or not.

Think happy thoughts and you will be happy,
Think negative thoughts and you will turn into a negative person.

I know which i'd rather be.


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